Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gimme My Decorating Magazines Back!

The NY Times today has an article on The Selby. You probably heard of the site. It's about real people in their homes--some famous, some not. The article also went on to discuss how people can relate more to "real places" than professionally decked up places frequently featured in decor magazines, which contributes to their ever growing popularity.

We love the Selby too but in a way, it's like watching Rachel Ray cooks vs a professional chef. There is no competition! Magazines offer beautifully shot, gorgeous decor that we can fantasize about. We don't want to look at houses that look just like ours, for god's sake. For example, look at the image below from Homebodies, one of the blogs mentioned:

We want our decorating magazines back! We miss them, terribly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thom Felicia Fabrics for Kravet

Thom Felicia is one of our favorite designers, mainly because his designs are very liveable and very approachable.

Here is a fabric collection he did for Kravet that we thought are quite nice. The prices are not too bad either (about $99/yard but you usually can get it for much less).

To see the rest of the collection, click here. Pricing and production information can be found on our Kravet Fabric section.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Contemporary Dinnerware

Do you ever go to fancy restaurants and wish you can buy the dinnerware? The ones that are so cool and make everything look better? Well, we saw some at the Dallas show and we thought we'd share it with you. It's so cool, and not too expensive either. The line is made in Germany--very contemporary and sleek.

Here are some examples:

You can buy them directly at the vendor's web site. They are sold in Euro.